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Wait, you do what?!

“Oh your kids must go to bed SO WELL every night!” That’s the first thing he said after hearing we “fulltime” aka live in our camper. It was also the first clue that he (and… Wait, you do what?!

Beach, please

When we went to Pensacola, I had a lot planned. Pretty much none of it ended up working out and the beach was balm to my soul. The 4 days we were there were right… Beach, please

Pensacola MESS Hall

We have been LOVING the heck out of our ASTC reciprocal membership! One cool spot we stopped at was the Pensacola MESS Hall. We almost had it to ourselves! One of my favorite things about… Pensacola MESS Hall

Hair. Hair is weird.

I have 2″ hairs all over my head and it’s driving me crazy. This includes fringe bangs. Did I WANT wispy fringe bands? No. No I did not. Sometimes weird things happen when you have… Hair. Hair is weird.