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Beach, please

When we went to Pensacola, I had a lot planned. Pretty much none of it ended up working out and the beach was balm to my soul. The 4 days we were there were right around the anniversary of me dad’s death and I think I was subconsciously trying to connect. He was in the Navy and there are 3 bases there. It’s also the home of the Blue Angels and I was SO excited to see them again. We were going to go on base and watch flight practice and hit up the museum, but none of it ended up happening. Turns out we were about a month early for the Blue Angels and I had too much anxiety about screwing things up entering base that we skipped the museum. Instead, we went to Pensacola MESS Hall (more on that later, because it was AWESOME) and Pensacola Beach. How is it that I constantly forget how much I love the water?

The water was lovely and the sand was so smooth! It was GORGEOUS there. If you ever get the chance, make the detour! Fenton really wanted to use the camera and capture some pictures and video. I hesitated because I was planning to use it, but ended up letting him. I need to do that more! Along with fostering his love of photography and letting him practice, it is so fun to see things through his perspective!

Taking pictures of each other!
L: Ransom LOVED the beach!
R: photo by Fent of me taking pics of Ranse

This yes…it’s something I need to get better at. Do you struggle to say yes to simple things, too? Decision fatigue is real! Sometimes it seems easier to lay down a string of nos. This is my challenge to you to sprinkle a yes or two in there.

photo by Fent

I didn’t pack swim suits, because it was overcast. I don’t know what I was thinking. 2 ended up swimming and 1 fell in. Haha! It was such a fun evening. Check out more of our trip on the YouTube!

What is something that refreshes your soul? Is it bodies of water? Mountains? Hiking? I want to know! And then I want to try it!