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30 Week Preggo Essentials

I hit 30 weeks in my geriatric pregnancy (36-years-old over here!) yesterday and it’s like my body checked out. All of a sudden my round ligaments were DONE. So today I had to grab some old faithfuls I learned about when I was pregnant with Paisley.

I went to grab my Lemongrass and Copaiba to make a roll on and learned my Lemongrass was almost empty. Ahhhh! Fortunately Lavender is another that can help with ligaments, so I threw some of that in and added some V6 carrier oil then slapped it on and it totally helped. And Now I need to add Lemongrass to my next order. Bonus, I guess I’ll be smelling like fruit loops for a while!

Another MUST for me for the entire pregnancy is Mineral Essence. My body needs it so badly I just hunted some down from a person because it’s out of stock. (Please make more soon, YL!!) Generally I take ME because the magnesium in it really helps my shoulder muscles, which in turn helps my neck alignment and migraines. But while I’m pregnant, it is my restless leg and leg cramp HERO. Literally gets rid of them in minutes!

I’ll be real. It doesn’t taste great. I have 3oz paper cups and I add my ME, then top with water and shoot it. If you really can’t get it down, you can try adding it to a bath, applying it behind your knees, or putting it in a capsule.

I’m generally not a leggings are pants person, but once I hit the 3rd trimester…that went out the window. Caitlin has no cares. These leggings are life! They have great belly support. With Bubba, I taped my belly towards the end. I’m wondering if these leggings can replace that, so we will see! I bought a pair when they were half price, then loved them so I quickly snagged a second pair.

I’ve decided I need to start working on my mindset related to the end of pregnancy and birth. I’m, like, totally ready to be done and have this girly, but I’m telling myself 12 more weeks. Because I birth babies LATE. I would absolutely LOVE to only have 6 more weeks once we’re legal, but ya know. Setting realistic expectations will probably be helpful for me.

So. Things I need to do to prep:
– work on my mindset
– walk more
– look up the Miles Circuit (which I’ve heard scary things about!)
– up my supplement game

Do you deliver early, on time, or late?