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Wait, you do what?!

“Oh your kids must go to bed SO WELL every night!” That’s the first thing he said after hearing we “fulltime” aka live in our camper. It was also the first clue that he (and many others) have a bunch of ideas about what our life is like. And boy, is he wrong!

Because we live in our Airstream and travel instead of living in a traditional “sticks and bricks” home, people view our lifestyle as an extended camping vacation. In reality, I think we’ve built 2 camp fires (we’re really bad at it) and been to MAYBE 10 in our 2 years of traveling.

If you look at our family and picture us out around a campfire making all our meals, never inside on electronics, out fishing and hiking and wearing flannel…that’s not us. In reality, we live a lot like you do, but our yard changes. We still have school, chores, laundry, bills, work, bed times, etc. S’mores are not a daily, or even monthly, thing. This is our every day.

Yesterday, as we walked back from the playground. I heard a giggle as I took this and turned around to see the stinker had Mike’s phone.

On weekends we tend to hibernate and we love it when campgrounds are quieter when the weather isn’t nice, during the weeks, and times most others are at work and school. It’s a completely different vibe. Homeschoolers feel me. You start to love hitting up museums and libraries during school hours. We take that to the next level. Ha!

Today I have a sick (teething?) toddler who had me up a ton last night. There’s a list of chores on the calendar for the older 4 and I’m babying the baby. Mike’s blood sugar got low last night, so he’s extra tired. We’re snuggled up in Gladys watching shows in our jammers and being lazy because it’s rainy. And I think my kids are making their third batch of fries. It’s Sunday, so the sites around us are already clearing out and soon we may be the only camper in our loop again.

This is our reality and I love it! Taking our home with us like a turtle in its shell. Tomorrow we move to a new yard, but the inner workings and life stay the same.

Have you ever thought about living in an RV or another non traditional lifestyle? What’s holding you back?